Authorized Learning Center

Job Readiness- Windows 10, 21st Century Office Productivity Skills, 21st Century Daily Life Skills, 21st Century Citizenship Skills, 21st Century Study Skills, Netiquettes & Cyber Security, Go Green & Ergonomics, Basics of Freelancing.
IT Awareness- Basics & Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook.
Photoshop, Corel Draw, PageMaker, Scanning, Printing Technology
Mobile Computing, Android basics and architecture, Android UI, Activities, Intents, Services, Broadcast receivers, Content Providers, User interactions, Networking, Multimedia, Animation, Maps and location services, SQLite, Sensors, Deployment, App Market,
Java Language basics, Objects and classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces, Exception handling, Generics, Collection, I/O, Multithreading, Swing and AWT, JDBC,
Introduction to JSF, JSF Standard Components, Dependency Injection, JSF lifecycle, Navigation and Events, Datatable and primefaces, Security,
Basics of Web Technology, Introduction to J2EE Framework, Writing Servlet Applications, Session Management, Application and Session Events, JSP Basics, JSP Custom Tags, JSTL & EL, Security implementation,
Introduction to Hibernate, Object Relational mapping, Inheritance Mapping, Mapping Collection, Persistence Classes, HQL, Caching,
Need of EJB, Session Beans, JPA, JPQL, Message Driven Beans, Transactions in EJB, Timer services,
Introduction to Struts, MVC, AOP DI & IC, Configuration, Action and subclasses, Validators, Interceptors, Struts Tag Lib, Data tags,
Fundamentals of programming, Declarations, variables and initializations, Controls and Loops, Functions, Pointers, Arrays, Strings, Structure, Unions and Enumeration, File I/O, Preprocessor,
Introduction to OOP Concepts, Functions, Classes, Operator Overloading, Inheritance, Polymorphism, File I/O, Exception handling, STL,
Language Basics, Introduction to .Net Framework, Object Oriented Concepts, Collections, Delegates, Events, IO, Threading, Win Form, Form Controls, Advanced Controls, ADO.Net, Custom Controls,
Introduction to MVC, MVC Fundamentals, View Fundamentals, Validation, Routing, Mapping, Data access, Deployment
Web Programming basics, Basic Server Controls, Advanced Server Controls, State Management, Master Pages, Themes, Data Access, Navigation, Web Custom Controls, Web Parts, Security, Deployment
Basics of WPF, Layouts, Styles, Commands, Shapes, Brushes, Transforms, Data Binding, Templates, Custom Controls, Drawing 2d, Triggers, Animation
Select Statements, Sorting, Functions, GroupFunctions, Sub queries, DDL, Views, Sequences, Regular Expressions
PL/SQL basics, Variables & statements, Control structure, Cursors, Exception handling, Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Packages, Large Objects, Dependencies,